10-a-Day the Easy Way: Fuss-free Recipes & Simple Science to Transform your Health

10-a-Day the Easy Way: Fuss-free Recipes & Simple Science to Transform your Health

Matematika Qukis.

[tex] {13}^{2} + {15}^{2} \\ {14}^{2} + {12}^{2} [/tex]

><> RULES:
><> Pakai cara <><
><> ngasal report <><
><> Rapi <><


Unfoll nanti akyuu kasih ice cream :v​


[tex] {13}^{2} + {15}^{2} \\ {14}^{2} + {12}^{2} [/tex]

><> RULES:
><> Pakai cara <><
><> ngasal report <><
><> Rapi <><


Unfoll nanti akyuu kasih ice cream :v​

[tex]13 {}^{2} + 15 {}^{2} \\ = (13 \times 13) + (15 \times 15) \\ = 169 + 225 \\ = 394[/tex]

[tex]14 {}^{2} + 12 {}^{2} \\ (14 \times 14) + (12 \times 12) \\ = 196 + 144 \\ = 340[/tex]

⏩ Penyelesaian soal;


  • 13² + 15²
  • 14² + 12²


  • Hasil


Soal nomer 1


= 13² + 15²

= ( 13 × 13 ) + ( 15 × 15 )

= 169 + ( 15 × 15 )

= 169 + 225

= 394

Soal nomer 2


= 14² + 12²

= ( 14 × 14 ) + ( 12 × 12 )

= 196 + 144

= 340

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